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# Program Learning Outcomes
1 A graduate physician evaluates the body as a whole and the development of the organ systems that make up it, its normal structure and functions, and the effects of pathological changes.
2 A graduated physician knows the factors of disease and preventive measures.
3 A graduated physician uses appropriate treatment options for diseases and protects human life and health.
4 A graduate physician can choose evidence-based methods in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
5 A graduate physician communicates effectively with patients, their families and healthcare professionals by using his/her competencies and provides guidance when necessary.
6 A graduated physician evaluates the patient, takes anamnesis, performs a physical examination, and makes clinical approach and evaluation as required by the understanding of medicine.
7 A graduated physician requests examination, makes differential diagnosis and creates a treatment plan.
8 A graduated physician can choose up-to-date, reliable diagnostic methods and pharmacological, physical, nutritional and psychosocial treatment methods suitable for the disease.
9 A graduated physician will be able to apply and critically evaluate basic medical skills such as blood pressure measurement, blood collection and injection.
10 A graduated physician uses the scientific method within the framework of ethical rules and contributes to the sharing, implementation and development of correct information.
11 A graduated physician approaches patients and their relatives, regardless of age, illness or disability, belief, ethnicity, gender, or position, and adopts this as an ethical obligation.
12 A graduate physician plans the epidemiology, pathology, symptoms, signs, prognosis and treatment of diseases.
13 A graduated physician provides first aid and basic life support and plans the next process in cases that require urgent intervention.
14 A graduate physician ensures that the project is planned, managed and the process is followed by collaborating with researchers from other disciplines.
15 A graduated physician takes responsibility individually and as a team to solve unforeseen problems encountered in his field.
16 A graduate physician uses the foreign language in the field of medicine effectively, thus following, evaluating and interpreting the current literature.
17 A graduate physician communicates effectively verbally and in writing with his colleagues in the national and international arena and shares current information and developments in the field of health. In addition, he has the knowledge and skills of intercultural communication.
18 A graduated physician keeps accurate and reliable records, collects data, analyzes and interprets epidemic, clinical and laboratory data, and acts in accordance with ethical principles in sharing the results.
19 graduate physician sets learning goals, performs the necessary studies and practices to achieve these goals, and accesses relevant resources effectively and quickly.
20 A graduated physician adopts the universal conditions required by his profession, laws, regulations and legislation. He embraces lifelong learning and is always open to improvement. Attends and documents in-house, local, national and international trainings after graduation.
21 A graduated physician uses computer and multimedia educational equipment at the level required by the field of health. Benefit from medical information and communication technologies.
22 A graduated physician informs the relevant persons and institutions on matters related to the field of health; conveys his thoughts and suggestions for solutions to problems in written and verbal form. Supports and shares solution suggestions with quantitative and qualitative data.
23 A graduated physician has knowledge and practices about quality management and processes.
24 A graduated physician has and applies sufficient awareness on individual and public health, environmental protection and occupational safety issues, including infants, children and the elderly.
25 With the identity of a graduate physician, he becomes a role model to his colleagues and an example to the society
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