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  1. Objective

KTO Karatay University has an effective information policy that ensures that all stakeholders, especially its personnel, academics, students and parents, as well as the public at large, are thoroughly informed.

Activities of all kinds carried out by the University shall be announced on the University's website and on the institution's social media accounts. In this regard, activities relating to education and training, research and management processes are regularly published and brought to the public attention.

  1. Means of Information


  • Web Site
  • Press Releases
  • Newspapers and Newsletters
  • Social Media Accounts
  • Activity Reports
  • Strategic Plans
  • Corporate Financial Status Reports and Analyst Expectations


  1. Responsibility

Responsible for specifying the sort of approach to be adopted in the publicity and information policy of KTO Karatay University and for monitoring and developing such approach are the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, the members of the Board of Trustees, the Rector and the Secretary General as the concerned persons and bodies.



  1. KTO Karatay University's Approach to News-Press Releases

Journalism is a profession committed to informing the public accurately, diversely, multidimensionally, quickly, credibly and reliably.

A press release is simply the short/concise text of announcements/news about people, companies, organizations and events written in a particular format.

When created through and through, press releases play a major role in conveying the message accurately and effectively to the target audience/objective. To begin with, a press release is a message and represents a standardized format through which information is delivered to the target audience.

When it comes to writing corporate related articles or news, there are specific target words or keywords used simply to help an institution's reputation take off, in addition to which avoiding using those that can cause it to diminish play a role in such a take-off. The content of the press release is decided on by the Directorate for Corporate Communications and Public Relations within the University's institutional structure.

Inside KTO Karatay University's structure lies a network that is broad and dynamic in many aspects. Faculties, colleges, vocational schools and academic human resources are part of this dynamic. The Directorate of Corporate Communications and Promotion closely follows current developments emerging in the country and the world and brings together academics and the press to assess and review the agenda. KTO Karatay academics share their opinions on many issues such as health, economy, trade, industry and energy with the public through media organizations, all of which help KTO Karatay University gain recognition and prestige.

At KTO Karatay University, press releases are written in "journalistic language", with the advantage that the personnel have a background in journalism. The topic or topics in the press releases are expressed in such a way which puts the emphasis on the image of the University that is desired. Press releases are intended to announce ideas, activities, strategies and events that are of interest to the press. The press releases are also complemented by photos and visual material. As part of the institution identity strategy, messages are sent to the press with a letterhead including the logo.

Another important task is to closely follow the press releases that are published. In this regard, thanks to the agreement with the Media Observatory, it is possible to find out on a daily basis on which channels the news is broadcast. Regularly monitored are how much coverage was allocated to the press release in which newspaper, which news websites used the press release, which press organizations showed interest in the release.

  1. Public Disclosure Criteria
  • KTO Karatay University actively uses the annual activity report, website, press releases, TV channels, social media channels, brochures and promotional videos as methods and instruments to educate the public.
  • Written applications to the university are first received by numbering in the document acceptance department, forwarded to the responsible head of unit and responded to in writing, stating the document number.
  • Our university does not disclose any data about its employees, including academic and administrative staff, to third parties and institutions covered by the Personal Data Protection Regulations.
  • Information on university employees officially requested by judicial authorities is reported within the framework of the legal provisions.
  • The University keeps all staff and students informed through annual reports, press releases and meetings that are accessible to the general public as part of the University's activities.
  • The faculties gather at least once a year within the university with external stakeholders, sharing their opinions for the betterment of the university for the future.
  • Such gatherings are held in an open and participatory setting where participants can freely speak their minds and, in such settings, an audience is always welcome.
  • Our university is in regular contact with its graduates. Meetings between the university and students take place regularly at the institutional level.
  • KTO Karatay University regularly publishes the Annual Report, which contains the activities of the previous academic year, and the Institutional Internal Evaluation Report, which contains the University's self-evaluation for the previous academic year, in print and on its website in May.
  • Newspapers, magazines and press releases are issued by the units of KTO Karatay University during specific periods and are made available to the public through the website and/or in printed form.
  • KTO Karatay University publishes strategic plans, activity reports, internal evaluation reports, policies, regulations, information documents, etc. on the institutional website, always heavily emphasizing the importance of transparency that it has adopted through the principle of social responsibility.

Following are the social media platforms used by KTO Karatay University, mainly for information and sharing purposes:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ktokaratay

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KaratayUniversitesi/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ktokaratayuniversitesi/

LinkedIn: https://tr.linkedin.com/school/ktokaratay/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/KARATAYUNIVERSITESI

Each of these social media platforms are under KTO Karatay University's possession and managed by Directorate of Communications and Public Relations.

  1. Crisis and Management

There might be situations involving, for instance, a staff member behaving or speaking inappropriately, a disruption in the institution or a failure to provide certain services. The dissatisfaction of a beneficiary caused by the treatment they get from the institution is highly likely to be reflected in the midst of local or national media. Negative news regarding the institution has the potential to pave the way for a crisis that might heavily affect the institution.




    1. Points to consider for communication in a crisis situation:

Effective communication is essential for overcoming a crisis. Proper use of communication channels and taking immediate action to address the crisis can ensure its resolution before it escalates. The reverse situation could aggravate the crisis out of nowhere, let alone resolve it. On the outbreak of a crisis, being proactive, taking control and giving accurate information to the press is essential. Otherwise, the media will intentionally lie to create false stories.

What is aimed at by successful and effective management of crisis is to prove to the public eye that the institution is back to normal, the crisis is under control, and that the institution is actively receiving the support of those that matter to the institution. Mismanagement of crisis communication can exacerbate the situation. Should there be false implications regarding the lure of the institution into utmost chaos, it might aggravate the situation. Not only that, but it also has the potential to feed the media more lies that might make way for more false stories to emerge.

Though every crisis is different; there are 4 principles that are taken into account when composing key messages:

  • Empathy: People are guided through all steps of their anger/sadness/confusion regarding the situation.
  • Context: A connection is made between the situation (crisis) of the institution with that of other institutions in the sector, thanks to which relevant explanations are made.
  • Action: What the institution has put on the line in the name of crisis management is specified through instances of how it had successfully managed and ultimately dealt with the problem.
  • Transparency: Being open and honest matters the most. Honesty, even in the case of a real crisis, settles people's concerns by acknowledging mistakes and clearly outlining the reasons that have led to those mistakes.



  1. Practices in View of the News in the Press and Media Bodies

KTO Karatay University Directorate of Corporate Communication and Publicity specifies the ways in which they will appear in the midst of the press and media organs within the scope of the annual communication plan. It also creates a media coverage plan taking into account the media organization’s service area; informs and implements its staff and stakeholders.

KTO Karatay University does not pick sides. The only side it picks is that which is education related.

By favor of media monitoring agency, KTO Karatay University monitors every kind of printed, visual and digital news in the national and local media and all news in the media are shared with university administration.



  1. False News and Rumors

KTO Karatay University does not pick sides. The university does not set forth any statement on the subjects that are not related to education in general and especially not in its area of activity. The Foundation protects its reputation and brand value and is extremely sensitive to the types of brands, individuals and organizations with which it wishes to collaborate. Depending on the content of its media coverage, it contacts the relevant media representatives and organizations in the face of false and ill-founded news/comments in which it takes part in the media against its will and control, and takes initiative to correct the publication.

KTO Karatay University is not legally liable for articles posted outside of the university accounts. The university shall use images featured in institution magazines, advertising brochures or media messages only to publicize the activities of the university.

Depending on the content of the media coverage, the university will take legal action if its reputation is injured and the public is misled or misinformed and a false public image is caused.

  1. Other Media Forms:

Developments deemed necessary by the Directorate of Public Relations and Advertising during the year are the subject of a controlled news flow to the print and visual media, and the public is informed in detail. Subject to the content of the specific events, this information may also be given in the context of a press conference. Questions or requests for information from the press on the various events and the general course of events are evaluated in writing and answered positively or negatively.

For the purpose of embracing an institutional administration approach, an active media strategy is adopted by the university. The public is informed by means of press conferences and visits to media groups. 

  1. Individuals Responsible for Communicating with the Public:

With the exception of announcements to the public mentioned above, individuals responsible for communicating with the public who have authority to sign are as follows: Selçuk Öztürk (Chairman of the Board of Trustees) and Prof. Dr. Fevzi Rifat Ortaç (Rector).