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The "AKİTASK 2024 Smart Agriculture Machinery Networking and Sectoral Collaboration Conference," organized in collaboration with the Konya Chamber of Commerce (KTO) Karatay University Smart Technologies Center (AKİTEK) and TARMAKBİR, has commenced. The conference aims to evaluate what needs to be done to promote precision and smart agriculture applications.

The sectoral conference and closing program of the Smart Technologies Center (AKİTEK) Project, led by Konya Chamber of Commerce (KTO) Karatay University, has commenced, under the Competitive Sectors Program being implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Turkey with joint financing from the European Union. The opening program of the conference was attended by prominent figures including Selçuk Öztürk, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of KTO Karatay University; Fahrettin Doğru, Vice President of Konya Chamber of Commerce; Prof. Dr. Fevzi Rıfat Ortaç, Rector of KTO Karatay University; Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kılıç, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Konya Food and Agriculture University; Prof. Dr. Erol Turan, Rector of Konya Food and Agriculture University; Prof. Dr. Osman Nuri Çelik, Rector of Konya Technical University, as well as members of the Konya protocol, academics, representatives from the private sector, and members of the press.

The ceremony commenced with a moment of silence and the recitation of the national anthem. Subsequently, speeches were delivered by Fahrettin Doğru, Vice President of Konya Chamber of Commerce; Prof. Dr. Fevzi Rıfat Ortaç, Rector of KTO Karatay University; and Dr. Barış Samim Nesimioğlu, Director of AKİTEK Center.

Numerous Project Activities Conducted Within AKİTEK

Speaking at the opening of the AKİTASK 2024 Smart Agriculture Machinery Networking and Sectoral Collaboration Conference, Fahrettin Doğru, Vice President of Konya Chamber of Commerce, stated, "The Smart Technologies Center (AKİTEK) began on February 15, 2021, under the Competitive Sectors Program, which is being implemented by our Ministry of Industry and Technology with joint financing from the Republic of Turkey and the European Union, led by KTO Karatay University. We have reached the successful conclusion of a 36-month implementation period. The primary goal of the Smart Technologies Center, established through the dedicated efforts of esteemed academics at KTO Karatay University, is to enhance the capabilities of agricultural machinery manufacturers in the Konya-Karaman region to design and produce equipment equipped with smart technologies compatible with Agriculture 4.0. This aims to make our producers competitive on both national and international platforms. In pursuit of this objective, numerous project activities have been conducted at AKİTEK."

"AKİTEK Ready to Support R&D Projects from the Industry"

Doğru, stated that AKİTEK is ready to provide support to other sectors besides the agricultural machinery sector, saying, 'Significant and tangible outputs have been obtained from this project, which has been awarded approximately 5 million euros in funding. As a result of the R&D projects conducted jointly with our agricultural machinery manufacturers in our region, four innovative prototypes have been developed in the fields of spraying, planting, and poultry farming, and a total of 5 national and 3 international patent applications have been submitted as outputs of these projects. AKİTEK has become ready to support R&D projects from other sectors, in addition to developing smart agricultural machinery that enables precision farming.'

"The Key to Change: Digitalization in Agriculture”

KTO Karatay University Rector, Prof. Dr. Fevzi Rıfat Ortaç, noted that digitalization in agriculture has led to increased productivity and quality in products. He stated, "Digitalization in agriculture not only supports production but also plays a significant role in transforming rural livelihoods. Producers who embrace digitalization excel in efficient irrigation, fertilization, and agricultural spraying, resulting in both increased productivity and quality. The necessity of achieving higher yields with fewer resources for sustainable agriculture has become one of the most pressing issues worldwide, particularly with the emergence of Agriculture 4.0 and the transition to Agriculture 5.0, where artificial intelligence and machine learning play a crucial role. In this context, digital farming and smart agriculture applications serve as building blocks that mark the before and after of agricultural practices."

The conference, taking place at the Selçuklu Congress Center from February 06-07, 2024, will feature presentations by speakers from both domestic and international sources, panel discussions, and the publication of policy recommendations as part of the conference outcome statement. Additionally, there will be a project marketplace section where innovative startups and SMEs participating in the project market will have the opportunity to showcase their products, establish connections with key industry players, and network.

February 07, 2024
Tercih Robotu