The accreditation certificates for the First Aid and Emergency Program at the Health Services Vocational School, the Computer Programming Program, and the Mechatronics Program at the Vocational School of Commerce and Industry, all accredited by the Professional Education Evaluation and Accreditation Association (MEDEK), were delivered during a ceremony held at KTO Karatay University.
A 'Publication Incentive Award Ceremony' was held for academics publishing in journals with high CiteScore values in the fields of science, health, and social sciences at Konya Chamber of Commerce (KTO) Karatay University.
The First Aid and Emergency Program at KTO Karatay University Vocational School of Health Services, along with the Computer Programming and Mechatronics Programs at the Vocational School of Commerce and Industry, have successfully completed the accreditation process with their education processes and professional qualifications meeting quality standards. As a result of the evaluation conducted by the Vocational Education Evaluation and Accreditation Association (MEDEK), all three programs have been granted accreditation.
First-year students from the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences' Civil Engineering Department and the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design's Architecture and Interior Architecture Departments at Konya Chamber of Commerce (KTO) Karatay University took their first step into their profession with the "Hard Hat Ceremony."
The results of the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings 2024, which evaluate higher education institutions worldwide in terms of environmental awareness and sustainability, ranking the world's greenest campuses, have been announced. According to the ranking results, Konya Chamber of Commerce (KTO) Karatay University achieved great success by ranking 606th globally, 61st in Turkey, and 12th among foundation universities.
The accomplished graduates of Konya Chamber of Commerce (KTO) Karatay University have made a name for themselves with their outstanding performance in key exams such as KPSS, TUS, and the Ministry of Justice Judicial Exams. KTO Karatay University graduates ranked among the top positions in professional exams, surpassing both state and private universities with their remarkable achievements.
Technology and Startup Event of the Region Take Off Istanbul is at Istanbul Expo Center on December 11-12!
November 14, 2024
A Condemnation Message from University Rectors Regarding the Martyrdom of Prof. Dr. Sufyan Tayeh, The Rector of Gaza Islamic University
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Agricities International Agricultural Cities Association
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