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As of 2023, the Academic Affairs Directorate of KTO Karatay University has taken its place in the organizational chart in order to ensure coordination between the Rectorate and faculties. It consists of 12 faculty secretaries, 1 student affairs officer, 2 experts, 2 assistant experts, and 7 administrative staff, totaling 24 personnel.

The Academic Affairs Directorate is responsible for the creation, implementation, and monitoring of policies and procedures in the fields of education and training services for academic units consisting of 5 faculties, 1 institute, 3 vocational schools, and 3 vocational higher schools. By working with faculties, institutes, and vocational schools, the Directorate determines the principles and workflow related to academic processes and carries out education, teaching, and academic procedures with an inclusive holistic approach.

In line with the mission and vision of our university, the Academic Affairs Directorate performs its work in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and guidelines, aiming for completeness, speed, timeliness, multidimensionality, and continuous improvement philosophy in the academic processes carried out within the institution.

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