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The International Commemoration Ceremonies for the 750th Anniversary of Hz. Mevlâna's Passing Away (Şeb-i Arûs) have started. As part of the ceremonies, the "Telâmiz-i Konevî 3 Calligraphy Exhibition," featuring artworks by Assistant Professor Dr. Hüseyin Öksüz from the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design at Konya Trade Chamber (KTO) Karatay University in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Meram Municipality, was inaugurated with the participation of the Konya protocol.

"We are delighted to contribute to the Love-Filled World of Mevlâna."

Speaking at the exhibition opening, where people from every culture visit Hz. Mevlâna and experience emotional moments during the whirling dervish ceremonies, Assistant Professor Dr. Hüseyin Öksüz stated, "When Şeb-i Arûs arrives, a very different atmosphere is created in Konya. People from every culture visit Hz. Mevlâna, and very emotional moments are experienced during the whirling dervish ceremonies. This truly creates an impressive example of unity and tolerance. It is very precious for us that the works of my students are exhibited in such an important week. We are also happy to contribute, even in a small way, to Mevlâna's love-filled world during this week.”

“Drawing Inspiration from the Masnavi, I Have Created Numerous Works.”

In the art of calligraphy, Öksüz emphasized the significant impact of works on individuals, noting that a work can evoke striking feelings even without knowing its message and meaning. He stated that calligraphy has been one of his greatest passions throughout his life, and his mind has always been immersed in it day and night. Öksüz shared that he practiced playing the ney in the monastery from 1971 to 1973. He mentioned that for many years, he has visited the Mevlâna Shrine at specific times, contemplating the museum. Öksüz revealed that he has written numerous works inspired by the Masnavi, and the words of Hz. Mevlâna, "As long as my soul is in my body, I am the servant of the Qur'an, the dust of the chosen Muhammad's path. If anyone narrates something other than my words, I am weary of them and weary of that speech," have always served as a guide when creating his works.

As part of the 750th Commemoration Events of the Passing Away of Hz. Mevlâna, the International Memorial Ceremonies (Şeb-i Arûs), the 'Telâmiz-i Konevî 3 Calligraphy Exhibition' featuring works by Asst. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Öksüz and his students from the Traditional Turkish Arts Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design at KTO Karatay University will be open to visitors at the Tantavi Culture and Art Center from December 7th to 17th.

December 08, 2023