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Konya Chamber of Commerce (KTO) Karatay University has expanded its international partnerships by initiating a new collaboration. An academic partnership has been established between KTO Karatay University and the Kulob Institute of Technology and Innovation Management of the Republic of Tajikistan, with the aim of improving and strengthening scientific research and establishing knowledge connections between academics, researchers and students.

"KTO Karatay University, known for providing opportunities in various fields to enable its students to gain international experience and strengthen their careers, has added another dimension to its efforts in science, academic research and international exchange programmes. The university has signed a protocol of cooperation with the Kulob Institute of Technology and Innovation Management, one of Tajikistan's most prominent universities, further strengthening its commitment to promoting global experience and career development for its students."

The signing event for the conduct of scientific and cultural studies took place with the participation of Prof. Dr. Fevzi Rıfat Ortaç, the Rector of KTO Karatay University, and Almossho Shohiyon, the Rector of Kulob Institute of Technology and Innovation Management.

"The Signed Protocol Marks the Beginning of a Long-Term Partnership"

Speaking at the protocol event, Rector Prof Dr Fevzi Rıfat Ortaç expressed his satisfaction with Almossho Shohiyon's visit and cooperation. He remarked: "We are pleased to add another international cooperation to our university's portfolio in order to strengthen the scientific research of our academics and students and to establish knowledge links in education, science and culture. The cooperation protocol signed with the Kulob Institute of Technology and Innovation Management marks the beginning of a long-term partnership and is an important step to further enhance the quality of our scientific research and educational programmes. I wish both universities fruitful results from our cooperation.

"We Take Great Pride in Collaborating with KTO Karatay University"

Almossho Shohiyon, Rector of the Kulob Institute of Technology and Innovation Management, expressed his gratitude for the hospitality extended by KTO Karatay University. He said: "Our agreement will contribute significantly to our goal of establishing knowledge connections in education, science and culture. We are very proud to collaborate with KTO Karatay University, which is known for its robust R&D infrastructure and scientific endeavours. We look forward to a long-term and mutually beneficial partnership between our universities.

The ceremony concluded with an exchange of gifts after the signing of the protocol.

October 27, 2023
Tercih Robotu