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Konya Chamber of Commerce (KTO) Karatay University celebrated the graduation of its 11th batch in a ceremony, marking the 100th anniversary of the Republic. The ceremony, where 1,800 students graduated, took place at the Karatay Youth Center. Families and academics in attendance shared in the pride and excitement of the graduates from KTO Karatay. The ceremony, where 1,800 students graduated, took place at the Karatay Youth Center. Families and academics in attendance shared the pride and excitement of the graduates from KTO Karatay.

The 2023 Graduation Ceremony and the Opening Program for the 2023-2024 Academic Year of KTO Karatay University took place at the Karatay Youth Center. The ceremony was attended by Selçuk Öztürk, the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of KTO Karatay University, members of the Board of Trustees, Prof. Dr. Fevzi Rıfat Ortaç, the Rector of KTO Karatay University, academics, graduates, and their families. Additionally, Mustafa Kabakçı, a former member of the Turkish Parliament from the 23rd and 24th terms and a graduate of the Sociology Department at KTO Karatay University, experienced the excitement of receiving his diploma from Rector Prof. Dr. Fevzi Rıfat Ortaç.

The ceremony, which began with the recitation of the Quran and the singing of the National Anthem, continued with speeches by Selçuk Öztürk, the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of KTO Karatay University, and Prof. Dr. Fevzi Rıfat Ortaç, the Rector of KTO Karatay University.

“A Great Humanitarian Tragedy Unfolding in Palestine”

In his opening speech at the graduation ceremony, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees Selçuk Öztürk began by addressing the tragic situation in Palestine. He offered condolences for the lives lost in the area and said ‘As you know, a national mourning has been declared in our country and many others. Our collective effort and work aim to create a world where no country will ever have to declare national mourning again. Hopefully, the efforts and endeavors of our graduates will contribute to making the world a more liveable place. I pray and hope that no country will ever have to declare national mourning again.’

“Strive to Contribute Richness to the Future of Türkiye”

Chairperson of the Board of Trustees Selçuk Öztürk offered significant advice to graduates embarking on their professional journeys, stating, “Each of you is graduating with competence in your field, equipped with the versatile and robust knowledge that KTO Karatay University has provided. Regardless of your major, strive to contribute richness to the future of Turkey. My most valuable recommendation for overcoming the competitive environment in the business world is to specialize in specific areas. Continuously work on enhancing all the skills that will meet the needs of the era. Whatever you do, bring innovation to your work. Remember that education, experience, and accumulated knowledge are among the most powerful tools to overcome competition.”

“We Take Pride in Your University Life Filled with Sacrifice”

Expressing solidarity with the excitement of students and their families, KTO Karatay University Rector Prof. Dr. Fevzi Rıfat Ortaç stated, “You are leaving behind a university life filled with sacrifices. First, you had to continue your education through 'distance learning' during the global pandemic. Then, on February 6, 2023, during the earthquakes in our country, you opened your dorm rooms to earthquake victims, sent your favorite clothes to the affected areas, and never left the assistance center empty for a moment. We are proud of your significant sacrifices, and I thank each of you individually. Thank you for being who you are.”

"Graduating in the 100th Year of the Republic is a Special Pride"

Rector Ortaç expressed, 'In addition to all of this, you are also fortunate to be graduates in the 100th year of the Republic. You have the privilege to experience this honor and pride. I hope that our Republic will endure forever, and our university will continue to produce many more graduates.

Chairperson of the Board of Trustees Selçuk Öztürk Presented the Plaque and Gift to the First-Ranked Student

Sümeyye Nur Yaşar, who graduated as the top student from KTO Karatay University, received her plaque and gift from Chairperson of the Board of Trustees Mr Öztürk. Nutrition and Dietetics graduate Sümeyye Nur Yaşar had her graduation sash tied by Rector Prof. Dr. Fevzi Rıfat Ortaç. Graduates who achieved top 3 rankings at the undergraduate and associate degree levels were presented with plaques by the deans and directors of the faculties, colleges, and higher vocational schools.

The first day of the ceremony, which took place on October 19-20, 2023, concluded with photo sessions involving academics, families, and graduates.

October 20, 2023
Tercih Robotu