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Dear Students;

Our fundamental objective in education and training at our faculty is to produce physicians who are well-qualified and have high ethical values. We strive to graduate students who are in harmony with the health community, develop solutions to local and national health issues, prioritize preventive medicine and public health, ensure patient and physician satisfaction, and respect ethical standards.

Our students have the opportunity to conduct important research in health and medicine, drawing on the expertise of brilliant faculty members who are experts in their fields and state-of-the-art laboratories. Students in basic medical education receive their clinical training and internship at Medicana, School of Medicine, KTO Karatay University with which we are affiliated.

Here I would like to emphasize an important point for all students: there are several prerequisites for becoming a great doctor. It's humanity, the joy of serving people, sacrifice, and hard work. A person who does not like to work and is not selfless cannot be a great and successful doctor.

We work together in close collaboration with our students, and we want you to know that our doors are always open for any issues that may arise.  I wish all students a successful academic life and send them my best wishes.

Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

Prof. Dr. Fevzi Rifat ORTAÇ