Course Information Semester Course Code Course Title T+P+L Credit ECTS 2 99900013 Foreign Language (English) II 2+0+0 2 2 Course Details Language : English Level : Associate Degree Department / Program : Dialysis Mode of Delivery : Face to Face Type : Compulsory Objectives : Students at the level required to make basic academic studies related to their professions teach english.Students study for this academic articles and reading, writing, listening and speaking activities they do. CEF (Common European Frame) bring the A2 level students in line. Content : The main features of English grammar, vocabulary and writing skills, speech practice, to express themselves proficiency, reading comprehension and listening skills. Methods & Techniques : Prerequisites and co-requisities : None Course Coordinator : None Name of Lecturers : Asist Prof. Eda Sezerer AlbayrakInstructor Dilara Sena Baş Assistants : None Work Placement(s) : No Recommended or Required Reading Resources : Ders slaytları Semester : Çelik, M. (2018). Progress English Student’s Book. KTO Karatay Üniversitesi Yayınları. Course Category Social Sciences 100% Education 100% In-Term Study Informations In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage Mid-terms 1 40% Assignment 1 10% Final examination 1 50% Total 3 100% Activity Informations Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load Course Duration 14 2 28 Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 1 14 Mid-terms 1 10 10 Final examination 1 10 10 Total Work Load ECTS: 2 62 Course Learning Outcomes Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to: No Learning Outcomes 1 Level academic environment to work in a foreign language develops 2 Develop vocabulary related to academic sense of space Weekly Detailed Course Contents Week Topics 1 Introduction to the course 2 Unit-6 The Whiz-kidPage:48-49-50Reading Text “Elon Musk”, 'Simple Past Tense' exercise, pronunciation of verbs ending in -ed 3 Unit-6 The Whiz-kidPage: 51-52-53Irregular verbs, Exercise about regular and irregular verbs, adjectives ending with -ed and -ing, speaking activity on emotions 4 Unit-6 The Whiz-kid- Unit-7 Dates to RememberPage: 54-56-57Ordinal numbers, dates, a quiz on Turkish culture, 'Simple Present' and 'Simple Past' difference, 'Simple Past' questions 5 Unit-7 Dates to RememberPage: 58-59-60Fill-in-the-blank exercise, Time expressions (in-at-on) Listening and speaking activity on various biographies , Reading passage 6 Unit-7 Dates to RememberPage: 62-63-64 (61 optional)‘The first telegraph and the first telephone’, Studying on adverbs, Talking and writing about special days and festivals, Studying on part of speech 7 Review Week 8 Midterm 9 Unit-8 Are You Hungry?Page: 66-67-68-69Foods, Eating-drinking vocabulary work, Countable-Uncountable nouns, Quantifiers (some/any/much/many/ a lot of) 10 Listening activity on Quantifiers 11 Unit-8 Are You Hungry?Page: 71-72Difference between 'Containers', 'I like and I'd like' 12 Unit-8 Are You Hungry?Page: (73-74-75 optional)- 76Ordering at the restaurant 13 Unit-9 CitiesPage: 78-79 (80-81 Optional)-82'Comparatives and Superlatives', Reading exercise on cities 14 Unit-9 CitiesPage: (83-84 Optional) 85-86-87Place-direction, City and town vocabulary 15 REVIEW (Pages: 93-98 Optional) 16 FINAL WEEK Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes P1P2P3P4P5P6P7P8P9P10P11P12P13P14P15P16P17P18P19P20P21P22P23P24P25P26 All C1 bbb