Course Information Semester Course Code Course Title T+P+L Credit ECTS 3 02430001 Applied Education in Pre-School Education Institutions I 1+8+0 8 8 Course Details Language : Turkish Level : Associate Degree Department / Program : Child Development Mode of Delivery : Face to Face Type : Compulsory Objectives : The general aim of this course is to introduce and interpret the practices of preschool education institutions and these institutions. Content : Characteristics of pre-school educational institutions , the duties and responsibilities of administrative staff, how to plan a day of school , how the child spends a day at school and will be referred to the content of the implementation of the training program . Methods & Techniques : Prerequisites and co-requisities : None Course Coordinator : None Name of Lecturers : Instructor Ayşegül Yıldırım Assistants : None Work Placement(s) : No Recommended or Required Reading Resources : Yök/World Bank. Faculty-School Cooperation (1998).National Education Development Project pre-service teacher training, Ankara.Karasar, N. (1998). Preparing Reports In Research. Ankara: Nobel Publication Distribution. Course Category Social Sciences 45% Health 10% Field 45% In-Term Study Informations In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage Mid-terms 1 40% Assignment 1 60% Total 2 100% Activity Informations Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load Course Duration 14 1 14 Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 5 70 Assignments 1 48 48 Mid-terms 1 8 8 Practice 14 8 112 Total Work Load ECTS: 8 252 Course Learning Outcomes Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to: No Learning Outcomes 1 Defines the duties and responsibilities of preschool children in and out of school. Explain planning and group activities in preschool education. Weekly Detailed Course Contents Week Topics 1 Examination Of A Day Of Preschool Teacher 2 Examination of pre-school educational activities and classroom Management 3 Examining the methods and communication methods used by preschool teacher 4 Examination Of A Day Of Preschool Children In School 5 Examination Of Preschool Education Media 6 Investigation of planning and Emerald activities in preschool education 7 Investigation of planning and Emerald activities in preschool education 8 Midterm Exam 9 Evaluation of recognition and evaluation of preschool children 10 Examination of preschool education institution Manager and school rules 11 Examining school - family and society relations in preschool education 12 Examination of routine activities and free time activities in preschool education 13 Okul Öncesi Eğitimde Türkçe-Dil ve Müzik Etkinliklerinin İncelenmesi 14 Examination of game-action and Drama activities in preschool education 15 Examination of game-action and Drama activities in preschool education 16 Final Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes P1P2P3P4P5P6P7P8P9P10P11P12P13P14P15P16P17P18P19 All C1 bbb