Course Information Semester Course Code Course Title T+P+L Credit ECTS 1 02410003 Equipment Development in Education 4+0+0 8 8 Course Details Language : Turkish Level : Associate Degree Department / Program : Child Development Mode of Delivery : Face to Face Type : Compulsory Objectives : To teach the principles related to preparation, development, use and evaluation of tools used in preschool education in order to make teaching environment effective. Content : Equipment planning , materials planning considerations , vehicle - making equipment, points to be considered when making tools Methods & Techniques : Prerequisites and co-requisities : None Course Coordinator : None Name of Lecturers : Instructor AYŞEGÜL YILDIRIM Assistants : None Work Placement(s) : No Recommended or Required Reading Resources : Atalay, A. Development Of Materials In Preschool Education. Ankara: Kök Yayıncılık, 2010.Yıldız, F. The U. & Sener, T. Creativity education in preschool period-I-II, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, 2007.Abaci, O. Visual Art Education In Pre-School Children, Morpa Kultur Publications, 2000. Course Category Social Sciences 20% Field 80% In-Term Study Informations In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage Assignment 1 40% Project 1 60% Total 2 100% Activity Informations Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load Course Duration 14 4 56 Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 10 140 Assignments 1 16 16 Project 1 16 16 Total Work Load ECTS: 8 228 Course Learning Outcomes Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to: No Learning Outcomes 1 It helps determine the learning needs of children. Applies effective teaching methods. Makes tools for classroom management. The trainer makes toys. She makes a puppet. Makes music tools. He makes costumes and accessories. Weekly Detailed Course Contents Week Topics 1 Filler toys, definition, history, effects on Child Development 2 Stages to follow in making fill toy, making fill toy 3 Rhythm Tools, materials used in the construction of rhythm tools 4 Puppets, the benefits of puppet use to children, points to be considered in puppet use. 5 Puppet types and puppet making, 6 Puppet types and puppet making, 7 Puppet types and puppet making, 8 MIDTERM EXAM 9 Educational toys, definition, importance, characteristics to be considered when preparing and buying. 10 Preparation of educational toys 11 Preparation of educational toys 12 Costumes and titles, definition, importance, basic properties 13 Costume and title making 14 Costume and title making 15 Mobile phones 16 final exam Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes P1P2P3P4P5P6P7P8P9P10P11P12P13P14P15P16P17P18P19 All C1 bbb